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Travis Turner
Travis "T-Bone" Turner from Bone Collector gives you 5 turkey hunting tips that will help you have a more successful turkey season.
Jennifer L.S. Pearsall
Jennifer Pearsall tells the tale of how the pull-away method won her heart in trap shooting.
Team Bushnell
This article is about the relationship between rifle scope magnification and distance and discusses some of the differences and trade offs you will encounter when choosing a scope.
Team Bushnell
A scope that is not sighted correctly can result in missing your target or an unethical kill. As hunters and competitors, we want this to be done right!
Team Bushnell
There’s quite a bit to be understood about BDCs, so we want to clear up some misconceptions about their limitations and just how useful they can be.
Team Bushnell
Learn about the role of AR coatings on optics and how it impacts the versatility and clarity of the optic.
Jess Rice
Some hunters seem to think that more power in a riflescope is always better, but realistically, less is more depending on what and where you’re hunting.
Team Bushnell
Ever wondered how night vision optics work? Check out this article to find out how it works and the science behind it that makes it happen.
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